Konferensi International

[Call for Papers] Institute of Governance and Public Affairs (IGPA) and Youth Studies Centre (YouSure) – Universitas Gadjah Mada invite scholars, students, bureaucrats, and practitioners from around the world to submit abstract to Demographic Dividend and Youth: Opportunities , Challenges, and Policy Agenda (DDY-OCAPA) 2017. Themes on DDY-OCAPA 2017 international conferences are:
1. Demographic dynamics, social changes, and youth
2. The issue of underskill work-force in human capital development
3. Education and innovation as key drivers to optimize demographic dividend
4. Agenda on social policy to overcome inequality on social economic and spatial (geography) problems

For further information please kindly check our official site and get in touch with our official social media:
Facebook: demographyforumugm
Instagram: @demographyforumugm
Twitter: @demographyugm
Line: @demographyforumugm

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