The Policy Brief Preparation Training was held on October 17-18 2018 and was attended by 15 participants from various agencies, including Sleman Regency Bappeda, Aceh Tamiang District Bappeda, BKPSDM Kuningan District, Banjarnegara District Agriculture and Fisheries Service, LIPI Innovation Center, Nano Center Indonesia , Bureau of Planning and Budget of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, IGPA MAP FISIPOL UGM, and Regional Secretariat of Central Java Province.

For 2 days the participants were accompanied by Bevaola Kusumasari, PhD and Dr. Nurhadi Susanto, M.Hum to be able to formulate a focused problem and then put it in an interesting and informative manner in the policy brief.

Hopefully the knowledge gained in this series of Training on the Preparation of Policy Briefs can be implemented in each institution. Always successful for UGM MAP Diklat alumni.

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