1. Institute of Public Administration (LAN)
LAN is one of the Non-Departmental Government Institutions which was established in 1957 to carry out government duties in the field of state administration in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations. The Central LAN Office is located in Central Jakarta and has 4 Representative Offices called PKP2A (Apparatus Study and Education Center and Training) in Bandung, Makassar, Samarinda and Aceh respectively. LAN also has a College of Administrative Sciences (STIA) with D3, S1 and S2 levels in Jakarta, Bandung and Makassar. The collaboration with MAP UGM is (1) conducting an academic forum on State Government Architecture, 2014; (2) Development of Policy Analyst Functional Position, 2015.
2. National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS)
BAPPENAS is an Indonesian non-ministerial government institution tasked with carrying out government duties in the field of national development planning in accordance with the provisions of legislation. The position of Head of Bappenas is held by the Minister of National Development Planning who has been held by Andrinof Chaniago since 27 October 2014. The collaboration with MAP UGM is (1) Sending students to take part in the BAPPENAS Special Class at UGM MAP; (2) Functional Level Training Implementation; (3) Making evaluations of regional government performance.
3. NGO Partnership, Partnership for Govenance Reform
The Partnership or Partnership NGO is a multi-stakeholder organization that works with government agencies, international organizations and non-governmental organizations to advance reform at the local, national and regional levels. The Partnership builds important relationships between all levels of government and civil society to continuously improve good governance in Indonesia. In the realm of governance reform in Indonesia, the Partnership is the most high profile organization. Even in the global community, the Partnership is considered unique because many international institutions that support their funding are focused on the issue of democracy and governance reform in one country and managed by citizens of Indonesia. In 2012 the Partnership received a PPM Management Award from PPM Management because it was considered as one of the non-profit organizations that succeeded in implementing good management governance. The cooperation that has been carried out with UGM MAP is: (1) Compilation of the reform grand strategy in DIY, 2005; (2) Preparation of draft regional regulations concerning information transparency and participation in DIY, 2006; (3) Development of the 2009-2014 State Apparatus, 2008; (4) 2014-2019 Bureaucracy Reform Roadmap, 2014; (5) Documentation of E-Procurement Activities in Several Regions, 2014.
4. Collaboration on the preparation of the RPJMD and the Strategic Plan for Waropen
District Waropen District entrusts assistance in the preparation of the RPJMD and Renstra to the MAP FISIPOL UGM. The mentoring activity for the preparation of the RPJMD was carried out on July 25-30, 2016. The MoU of cooperation was signed by the Dean of the UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, and Waropen Regent, Yermias Bisai, SH on March 21, 2016.