Planning technical training, preparation of performance indicators, Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) and integration of SPM in the Morowali Regency planning document will be held on 7 to 11 December 2019 at the Swiss Makasar Hotel in the form of mentoring revisions to the Morowali Regency RPJMD and OPD Strategic Plan within the Morowali Regency Government, followed by the Morowali Regency Government. structural officials and planning staff at BAPPEDA, the Office of Education, the Office of Public Works and Regional Spatial Planning, the Regional Revenue Office, and the Office of Health, Population Control and Family Planning with speakers from the MIS FISIPOL Team consisting of Dr. Nunuk Dwi Retnandari, Dr. Nurhadi Susanto and Sri Purnaningsih, SIP, MPA. The training was opened by the Head of Morowali Regency Bappeda, Drs Emil, M.Sc.