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[restab title=”STAY IN JOGJA” active=”active”]

Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) or commonly called Jogja is a Special Region at the provincial level in Indonesia which is a fusion of the State of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the Duchy of Paku Alaman. The province is located in the southern part of the central part of Java Island, and borders the Central Java Province and the Indian Ocean. Although it has the second smallest area after DKI Jakarta Province, Jogja is famous at the national, and international level, especially as a main tourist destination after the Province of Bali. In addition, as the location of two major kingdoms in Java, Jogja is also full of viscosity of customs and culture.

Jogja has a variety of potential cultures, both tangible (physical) and intangible (non-physical) cultures. Tangible cultural potentials include cultural heritage areas, cultural heritage objects while intangible cultural potentials such as ideas, value systems or norms, artworks, social systems or social behaviors in society. Jogja has no less than 515 Cultural Heritage Buildings spread across 13 Cultural Heritage Areas. The existence of cultural assets inherited from the high civilization of the past, with the Kraton as an institution of noble inheritance that is still preserved, is an embryo, and gives a spirit to the growing dynamics of society in cultural life, especially in cultural arts, and with traditional traditions.

Jogja is also known as “Student City”. Gadjah Mada University or UGM, the oldest tertiary institution in Indonesia is located in this province. Besides UGM, Jogja is also home to many other prestigious universities. In total, the total number of tertiary institutions in Yogyakarta, both state, private and official, reached almost 150 higher education institutions which were cared for by around 10 thousand lecturers. Cultural learning and the education climate were also very conducive here. Students and students in Jogja are facilitated by the existence of public libraries, cheap bookstores, as well as bags of communities and culture that can be their learning facilities while studying in this province. Not to mention thousands of boarding houses and dormitories of various prices that can be the choice of migrant students who complete their studies in Jogja. Jogja also provides affordable, modern entertainment venues for students, but still maintains the hospitality of the city with its many original, traditional and understated. The cost of living in this city is very affordable, even cheap. Places to eat of various types (Javanese, archipelago, up to international cuisine, levels of five feet to five stars, ethnic or modern nuances) can be found easily. The level of security is also quite high in Yogyakarta, so parents do not need to worry about releasing their children to school far from home. In addition, the sense of mutual cooperation and high hospitality of Jogja people will make anyone feel like in their own hometown. Jogja people are very polite, cultured, open, and helpful.

[restab title=”ADVANTAGE”]

Master of Public Administration (MAP) which was founded in 1995 is one of the leading postgraduate institutions in Indonesia. As an educational institution in the field of administration and public policy, MAP is fronted by competent lecturers in their fields. MAP has 30 permanent lecturers who almost all won doctoral degrees abroad. Ten of them are already professors. MAP itself is equipped with excellent facilities. Library with complete collections, lecture rooms with additional audiovisuals, study rooms and adequate student activities, and employees who are friendly and ready to assist students in their learning activities at MAP.

MAP has also collaborated with various parties both at home and abroad, from government institutions, the private sector, to NGOs. In 2015, even MAP has just organized the Linkage Master Program in collaboration with BAPPENAS and four prestigious postgraduate institutions in Japan. Through this program, students have the opportunity to experience education in Japan (in the second year). Double degrees are also obtained, from MAP and from Japanese postgraduate institutions. This program allows students to add experience and broaden perspectives in the fields of administration and public policy.

In addition to running academic activities, MAP also routinely conducts research in collaboration with domestic and foreign institutions. MAP also often produces publications in the form of journals, books, monographs, policy briefs, and so on.

[restab title=”AMENITIES”]

The lecture at UGM was held in the MAP Building, UGM FISIPOL Campus Unit II. This building has 3 floors with 5 lecture rooms with a capacity of 30 people. Lecture rooms have standard devices, namely air conditioning and teaching media (whiteboards, projectors, screens and computer devices). MAP-UGM also has infrastructure for student work spaces, meeting / seminar rooms, libraries, common rooms, facilities for teleconferences / video conferences, and worship rooms. MAP FISIPOLUGM also has a Language Training Center with native English language tutors (native speakers).

The MAP-UGM library is equipped with a reading room, individual and group study rooms, and a book collection storage room with hours open Monday-Friday at 08.00-16.00 WIB. The facilities provided are borrowing a collection of books / theses / dissertations and internet access.

Internet access in all UGM MAP campuses is carried out through local networks (LAN) and wireless networks (hot-spots). UGM provides access to scientific journals subscribed online through Cambridge Journals, Oxford Journals, JSTOR, EMERALD, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, SCOPUS, and others with wireless networks.

[restab title=”THEIR WORDS”]

“UGM MAP is a study room and discusses public administration theory compared to its implementation. I was fortunate to learn from professors like Prof. Sofian Effendi, Prof. Miftah Thoha, Prof. Wahyudi Kumorotomo, and Prof. Agus Pramusinto. “~ Imam Kariyadi Aryanto, BAPPENAS Class Force VIII.  

“Luckily I can study in Yogyakarta. Studying at MAP with great lecturers in it, met with new friends. Continue going to UGM MAP. ”~ Rike Anggun Artisa, Regular Class of Class 60.

“MAP is special. Here I learned to take policy and listen to the needs of many people. Learning to be sensitive and wise with friends across sciences that enriches insight. I became aware that public policy can be approached from various fields of science. “~ Yohanes Emanuel Nane, Regular Class of Class 61.   “Sitting in class receiving knowledge from great and famous lecturers at the MAP-UGM is an amazingly proud experience.” ~ Gina Fitria, Regular Class of Class 60.


Pelatihan MAP